
购彩大厅 大发彩票


发布日期:2023-10-26 20:04    点击次数:59


英语中有很多单词都有多种意思和用法,让很多学习者感到困惑。其中一个常见的例子就是different。different的基本意思是“不同的”,但是它可以和其他词搭配,形成不同的短语和表达方式。different fromdifferent from是最常见的搭配,表示“和……不同”。This book is different from that one. 这本书和那本书不一样。She likes to wear clothes that are different from others. 她喜欢穿和别人不一样的衣服。different from也可以用来比较两个事物或人的差异。How is Chinese culture different from American culture? 中华文化和美国文化有什么不同?There is a big difference between talking and doing. 说和做之间有很大的区别。

例题:下列句子中,哪一个使用了different from的正确用法?A. This song sounds different from the original one.

B. This painting is different from Picasso’s style.

C. This coffee tastes different from tea.

D. All of the above.答案:D. All of the above.解析:different from可以用来表示两个事物或人在某方面的不同,无论是声音、风格、味道等。因此,所有选项都是正确的用法。different todifferent to也可以表示“和……不同”,但是它在英国英语中比较常用,在美国英语中比较少用。例题:下列句子中,哪一个使用了different to的正确用法?A. This car is different to the one I had before.

B. His voice is different to hers.

C. She has a different opinion to me.

D. All of the above.答案:D. All of the above.解析:different to也可以用来表示两个事物或人在某方面的不同,无论是车型、声音、观点等。因此,所有选项都是正确的用法。


different thandifferent than也可以表示“和……不同”,但是它在美国英语中比较常用,在英国英语中比较少用。His style is different than yours. 他的风格和你的不一样。She looks different than before. 她看起来和以前不一样。different than也可以引导一个从句,表示“与……相反”。He did different than what I expected. 他做的和我期待的相反。It’s different than you think. 这和你想的不一样。

例题:下列句子中,哪一个使用了different than的正确用法?A. This game is more fun than the previous one.

B. He acted different than he usually does.

C. She sings better than I do.

D. All of the above.答案:B. He acted different than he usually does.解析:different than可以用来表示两个事物或人在某方面的不同,也可以引导一个从句,表示与某事相反。因此,只有B选项是正确的用法。A和C选项使用了than,但是不是和different搭配,大发签到彩票而是和比较级搭配,表示“比……更……”。be differentbe different是一个常用的短语,表示“有所不同,与众不同”。Everyone is different. 每个人都有所不同。It’s okay to be different. 与众不同没关系。例题:下列句子中,哪一个使用了be different的正确用法?A. She is very different when she is angry.

B. He is a little different at school than at home.

C. They are quite different from each other.

D. All of the above.答案:D. All of the above.解析:be different可以用来表示某人或某事在某种情况、地点或对象下的不同。因此,所有选项都是正确的用法。

make a differencemake a difference是一个常用的短语,表示“有影响,有作用,有意义”。Your help can make a difference. 你的帮助可以起到作用。It doesn’t make any difference to me. 对我来说没有任何影响。例题:下列句子中,哪一个使用了make a difference的正确用法?A. It makes no difference what you say, I won’t change my mind.

B. It makes a lot of difference how you say it, not just what you say.

C. It makes some difference who you are, not just what you do.

D. All of the above.答案:D. All of the above.解析:make a difference可以用来表示某事对某人或某物有多大程度的影响。因此,所有选项都是正确的用法。


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